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목조건축 관련 학교, 단체
www.wooddesign.or.kr 사단법인 한국목조건축기술협회 (Korea Wood Building Association)
  • 국토해양부 산하에 유일하게 등록된 비영리법인, 각종 자격제도 실시 및 회원 경력관리, 공사과정 검사제도 실행
  • 목조건축기술교육원 (Wood Building Design Institute) : 전국 지역교육원 교육지원, 자격시험제도
목조건축디자인센터 (Wood Building Design Center)
  • 1999년에 국민대학교에 개설. 목조건축전문1년과정, 목조건축기술교실12주과정, 대학생목조건축학교 및 목조공동주택특별 재교육 등의 교육 실행해 왔슴. 현재는 장흥 로하스타운 개발 종합계획 및 건축설계 업무진행
www.kiad.or.kr 한국조형예술원 평생교육원
  • 목조건축(주택)기초과정, 전문과정, 가구교실 등을 온라인(컴퓨터 강의)을 통하여 교육, 추후 학점인증제 도입 예정
www.kowfa.or.kr 한국목가구조형협회
  • 국민대학교 가구디자인센터 및 가람가구학교 출신 작가 중심으로 결성된 단체
www.karam.sc.kr 가람가구학교
  • 가구디자인 도제학교 , 미국임산물협회 프로그램학교
www.woodforum.or.kr 사단법인 목재문화포럼 (Wood Culture Forum) 산림청 산하
About Glulam : 공학목재-글루램에 관한 자료 정보싸이트
Anything you ever wanted
to know about Glulam
Design Software Whether you are designing in Canada or the US, there are software programs available at these sites.
Preservative Treated Wood Information on different wood treatments and available producers.
Publications Great sources of information on wood design and glulam.
Wood Design Awards Structurlam is proud to be a major sponsor of the Wood Design Awards for North America, which
recognizes excellence and innovation in wood design.
외국기관 관련사이트
www.cmhc.ca 카나다 주택금융공사(Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
www.cwc.ca 카나다 목재협의회로서 각종 기술연구자료 및 책 발간(Canadian Wood Council)
www.cofi.org Council of Forest Industries Canada(COFI)
www.wood.ca 미국, 카나다의 목조건축 디자인작품을 소개하는 잡지(Wood Building Design)
www.woodmags.com More drawing andphotos of wood design building
www.awc.org 미국 목재협의회(American Wood Council)
www.afandpa.org 미국임산물협회(American Forest & Paper Association)
www.wwpa.org 미국 서부지역 목재협회(WWPA) Western Wood Products Association
www.apawood.org 미국 합판 공학 목재 협회(APA) - America Paper Association
www.glulambeams.org 미국합판 공학목재협회의 그루램에 관한 기술정보(APA)
www.aitc-glulam.org American Institute of Timber Construction
www.awpi.org American Wood Preservers Institute
www.citw.org Canadian Institute of Treated Wood
www.nahb.org National Association of Home Builders
외국업체 관련사이트
www.bcwood.com BC Wood Specialties Group
www.dickslumber.com DICK'S Lumber & Building Supplies Ltd. (Kevin Choi)
www.osbguide.com Structural Board Association - Representing the OSB Industry(SBA)
www.structurlam.com Reinforced Technology Provides New Options for Glulam
www.timberworks.com Pocopson Industries, Inc. Innovative Structural Timber Systems.
or www. taunton.com
Inspiration for hands-on living 미국주택잡지
www.builderbook.com Home Builder Press - National Association of Home Builders
www.forestworld.com The internet's premier resource for locating and forest industry.
www.tjm.com Truss Joist MacMillan - Heavy timber structural systems and a national network.
Associations of Canada / USA 미국/캐나다의 목재관련 협회 정보
Architectural Woodwork Institute Maple Flooring Manufactures Association
Alberta Forest Products Association Marketing Online
American Forest & Paper Association National Fire Protection Association
American Institute of Architects National Hardwood Lumber Association
American Wood Council National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Asso.
American Wood Preservers Institute National Sash & Door Jobbers Association
American Institute of Timber Construction National Wood Flooring Association
APA - The Engineered Wood Association North American Wholesale Lumbermans Asso.
B.C. Shake & Shingle Association Quebec Lumber Manufacturer's Association
California Redwood Association Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Canadian Lumbermen's Association Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association
Canadian Plywood Association (CANPLY) Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA)
Canadian Wood Council Southern Pine Inspection Bureau
Canadian Hardwood Plywood Association Structural Board Association (SBA)
Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau The National Wood Window & Door Association
Composite Panel Association Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association
Council of Forest Industries (COFI) Western Red Cedar Lumber Association
Forest Products Society (FPS) Western Wood Preservers Insitute (WWPI)
Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association Western Wood Products Association (WWPA)
International Code Council Wood Moulding & Millwork Producers Asso.
International Conference of Building Officials Wood Truss Council of America (WTCA)
MSR Lumber Producers Council Woodwork Institute of California
Directory of Forest Products, Wood Science, & Florida Wood
Council (FWC)
World Timber Network
Codes & Standards    외국목조건축관련 법령/규정 소개
ASTM: Standards International International Codes Council (ICC)
Canadian Codes Centre (IRC) ICBO: International Conference of Building Officials
CSA: Canadian Standards Association UL: Underwriters Laboratories
Council of American Building Officials (CABO)